North Korea dial code, area code, calling code, STD code, ISD code, city code

Country code + city code + Local number

North Korea (+850) + Pyongyang (2) + Local number

Official name of North Korea is Democratic People's Republic of Korea
See all the city name with code with alphabetical order

Countrycountry codeCity NameCity Code
North Korea850Chongjin73, 582
North Korea850Daejeon421
North Korea850Haeju45
North Korea850Hamchon9
North Korea850Hungnam53
North Korea850Kumno549
North Korea850Moranbong31
North Korea850Nampho39
North Korea850Pyongyang2
North Korea850Rajin82
North Korea850Rason85
North Korea850Sonbong86
North Korea850Songnim41, 43
North Korea850Wonsan57