Palau dial code, area code, calling code, STD code, ISD code, city code

Country code + city code + Local number

Palau (+680) + Aimeliik (544) + Local number

See all the city name with code with alphabetical order

CountryCountry codecitycity code
Palau680 Aimeliik544
Palau680 Airai587
Palau680 Angaur277
Palau680 Kayangel876
Palau680 Koror488
Palau680 Melekeok654
Palau680 Ngaraard824
Palau680 Ngarchelong855
Palau680 Ngardmau747
Palau680 Ngatpang535
Palau680 Ngchesar622
Palau680 Ngeremlengui733
Palau680 Ngiwal679
Palau680 Peleliu345
Palau680 Sonsorol255