South Korea area code, calling code, STD code, ISD code, city code, dial code

Country code + city code + Local number

South Korea (+82) + Busan (51) + Local number

See all the city name with code with alphabetical order

CountryCountry codeCity NameCity Code
South Korea82Busan51
South Korea82Cheju-Do64, 65, 66, 67,68, 69
South Korea82Chulla-Buk Do (Province)63
South Korea82Chulla-Nam Do (Province)61
South Korea82Chungchong-Buk Do (Province)43
South Korea82Chungchong-Nam Do (Province)41
South Korea82Chungju44
South Korea82Dae-Jun42
South Korea82Daegu53
South Korea82In-Chun32
South Korea82Kangwon-Do (Province)33, 34, 35
South Korea82Kwang-Ju62
South Korea82Kwang-Won-Do36, 37, 39
South Korea82Kyonggi-Do (Province)31
South Korea82Kyoung-Sang-Buk Do (Province)54
South Korea82Kyoung-Sang-Nam Do (Province)55, 56, 57, 58, 59
South Korea82Pusan51
South Korea82Seoul2
South Korea82Taejon42
South Korea82Ulsan52