Switzerland area code, calling code, STD code, ISD code, city code, dial code
Country code + city code + Local number
Switzerland (+41) + Baden (56) + Local number
See all the city name with code with alphabetical order.
Country | Country code | City Name | City Code |
Switzerland | 41 | Baden | 56 |
Switzerland | 41 | Basel | 61 |
Switzerland | 41 | Bellinzona | 91 |
Switzerland | 41 | Bern | 31 |
Switzerland | 41 | Biel, Neuchatel, Solothurn, Jura | 32 |
Switzerland | 41 | Burgdorf, Langnau i.E. | 34 |
Switzerland | 41 | Chur | 81 |
Switzerland | 41 | Fribourg | 26 |
Switzerland | 41 | Geneve | 22 |
Switzerland | 41 | Lausanne | 21 |
Switzerland | 41 | Luzern | 41 |
Switzerland | 41 | Olten | 62 |
Switzerland | 41 | Rapperswil | 55 |
Switzerland | 41 | Sion | 27 |
Switzerland | 41 | St. Gallen | 71 |
Switzerland | 41 | Switserland | 51 |
Switzerland | 41 | Thun | 33 |
Switzerland | 41 | Winterthur | 52 |
Switzerland | 41 | Yverdon, Aigle | 24 |
Switzerland | 41 | Zurich | 1, 43, 44 |
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